Cybot Godzilla from "Godzilla" (released in 1984) joins the lineup! In this film, the first released in 9 years since the 1975 film Terror of Mechagodzilla, This large-scale model, referred to as "Cybot Godzilla" was used in addition to the Godzilla costume for filming in Godzilla (1984), the first film released since the 1975 film Terror of Mechagodzilla. It stood at 5 meters (16 feet) tall and featured movable parts such as the eyes, mouth, and snout, allowing Godzilla to have a larger range of facial expressions not seen in previous works. MONSTER MAKER 28 has taken this very Cybot Godzilla and transformed it into an incredible 34cm tall model that fully captures Shunsuke Niwa's signature style and delicate craftsmanship. It recreates that memorable image of Godzilla with its arms spread out wide and forward-facing piercing glare. Don't let this chance to enjoy these amazing scenes once again from the film slip away!
Size: 34 x 38 cm
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