From the 2007 anime Mononoke, which captivated fans with its unique setting and beautiful artwork, the Medicine Seller and mysterious protagonist who bears the sword that exorcizes mononoke, Kusuriuri, joins the ARTFX J series lineup.
His colorful kimono and distinctive makeup have been faithfully recreated! The background utilizes acrylic, allowing this figure to be enjoyed in a variety of ways as light shines through it. He comes to life reclining calmly against the gorgeous base painted in rich colors, giving this piece an exceptional presence in any collection.
Representing the true essence of what Kotobukiya can deliver to the world with the ARTFX J series, add this definitive Mononoke figure to your collection today.
- Αποστολή στην Ελλάδα με Boxnow: Μόνο 1,90€ (Δωρεάν άνω των 80,00€)
- Αποστολή στην Ελλάδα: 2,90€ (Δωρεάν άνω των 80,00€)
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- Αποστολή στην Κύπρο: 8,00€ (Δωρεάν άνω των 100,00€)
- Αποστολή στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση*: 12,00€ (Δωρεάν άνω των 120,00€)
- Αποστολή στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο: 35,00€
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