From "Phantasy Star Online 2 es",The heroine " Gene " appears in a daring swimsuit!
"How do you feel about this swimsuit? Leader."
Gene, the popular heroine of "Phantasy Star Online 2 es," is now available as a figure in a swimsuit from a limited-time event! Designed by Nidy-2D-, this daring swimsuit figure has been sculpted with all the charm of a swimsuit! The differences in materials, such as the swimsuit and hard parts, are carefully represented by painting. Of course, the superb body, which cannot be hidden by the swimsuit, has been sculpted to give a sense of softness! I'm off for a little adventure with a smile as dazzling as the beach sun!
Please look at the detailed modeling and coloring supervised by Mr. Nidy-2D- and the Phantasy Star Online 2 es team! The item is scheduled to be released in December 2023.
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