In the animated DC film Batman Ninja, Batman, along with several of his allies and adversaries, are thrust back in time to medieval Japan. The Dark Knight takes on the weapons and methods of the ninja to defeat Joker and his other villains, who are now feudal lords. Donning special Bat-Samurai armor, Batman rides into the final battle against Joker.
This new 1/6 figure from Batman Ninja features Batman in his ceremonial samurai armor complete with red tabard with the bat-symbol and high sandals. The head sculpt features Batman in mid-battle yell as he rides into battle with his foes. He's outfitted with two katana, two batarangs and two ninja daggers (Kunai).
Deluxe version:
The "CoolToys" Samurai horse is the perfect companion for Star Ace's Batman Ninja Samurai version.
This black war horse has finely sculpted horsehair detail all over and has rooted hair for the mane and tail. It is outfitted with authentic medieval Japanese saddle, stirrups and tack in purple, orange and black. Bat-medallions are attached to the sides of the face mask and the horse leg armor features spikes to match the forearm armor of Batman Samurai.
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